
crazy laws in virgina

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Virginia Crazy Law

  • Children are not to go trick-or-treating on Halloween.

  • It is illegal to tickle women.

  • Driving while not wearing shoes is prohibited. (Repealed)

  • You may not work on Sunday. (Repealed)

  • Citizens must honk their horn while passing other cars.

  • It is illegal to spit on sidewalk.

  • There is a state law prohibiting "corrupt practices of bribery by any person other than candidates."

  • Police radar detectors are illegal.

  • It is illegal to sell peanut brittle on Sundays. (Repealed)

  • You cannot sell lettuce on Sunday, but you can sell beer, wine etc. (Repealed)

  • You cannot buy hardware of any kind on Sunday. (Passed in 1975, repealed in 1977)